QR Code Technology

Posted in News, Products

The key to an easy touch-free visitor entry system

QR Codes and Access Control

QR Code technology is an up to date, secure way to grant quick, easy, time-sensitive visitor access


Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash

QR codes are becoming a significantly more common access solution. They are free to create, can be sent to a user’s phone remotely or can be printed out if necessary.

Easy, User Friendly Access

For access to meeting rooms, rental accommodation or any other occasion where temporary access is required. Businesses can easily create a QR code in advance, or as the visitor arrives, and simply email it directly to their smartphone or device.

The code produced is often time sensitive and unique. Allowing access to a single visitor for a few hours, or for longer as required. Access can be monitored through GuardPoint systems or, as our new QR Readers have a Wiegand output, they can be connected to most access control systems.

Save Time, Stay Safe

Since The Pandemic we have all become aware of the necessity to reduce face to face contact, ensure that safe distance is maintained and overcrowding is avoided.

Using QR code entry for visitors, contractor and staff management can empower your workforce to achieve effective social distancing. This, in turn, helps reduce the risk of Covid-19 spread within the workplace.

It also reduces the need for reception staff to provide keys or cards, reducing their workload and making entry to your premises quicker and easier.


Cross Compatible, Suitable for Multiple Uses

You may have noticed QR readers popping up in various venues. They can be used for entry to public transport systems, produced in app by the user, for boarding cards at airports, even to gain entry to a concert.

With our latest MiFare QR readers are cross compatible meaning that both proximity cards and QR codes can be issued.

We’re Here to Support you

To help you make the right choice with your access control equipment, we have a dedicated team at the ready to answer your questions. So feel free to contact us

Thanks again for your business!

The Sensor Team